A variety of learning experiences

Hairstylist - Apprenticeship Level 2

Program Details

Length: 5 weeks in class

Total Credits: This program provides credit toward Red Seal Certification

Intake Terms: Spring

Delivery Method: In-person

Campus: Silver King

Student Loans:

This program is eligible for student loans

Credential Received

Credit for Hairstylist Level 2, ability to write IP Red Seal Exam which must be passed with a minimum of 70% to be eligible for the ITA Standardized Practical Exam


Program Summary

Current hairstylists and students who successfully complete the Foundation Program now have the opportunity to become Red Seal Certified. This would require 150 hours of Level 2 designated training, an employer sponsor and passing the ITA Interprovincial Red Seal exams both written and practical.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

  1. Resolve client concerns and complaints
  2. Customize haircuts
  3. Cut facial and nape hair
  4. Describe the procedure to shave facial and nape hair
  5. Style up-dos
  6. Incorporate hair additions
  7. Chemically relax and straighten hair
  8. Perform colour correction
  9. Apply and style wigs and hairpieces
  10. Use hair extensions
  11. Develop business and marketing plan for a salon

Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

  • Indentured in Hairstylist Apprenticeship
  • Active Apprenticeship Work Sponsor
  • Successful completion of previous level

Additional Requirements

  • This occupation is physically demanding, and reasonable physical conditioning is necessary.
  • Professional clothes must be worn to all classes and practicum placements (no jeans).


a) All applicants are required to complete pre-admission placement tests in reading, writing and math.

2. Mature Students

a) A "mature student" is at least 19 years of age and has been out of the school system for at least one year on or before the first day of classes of the program.

b) A mature student, with reasonable potential for success on the basis of work experience or other criteria, may be admitted notwithstanding some deficiency in prior formal education.

c) A mature student shall normally meet the specific program or course pre-requisites.


Applicants will be separated into two levels as identified in Selkirk College Policy 8610 (Admissions and Standards), namely “fully-qualified” and “partially qualified”.

1. Fully Qualified

a) The applicant meets all of the requirements stated in Part I.A, above.

2. Partially Qualified

a) The applicant is deficient in meeting some or all of the admission requirements stated in Part I.A, above.

3. Order of Selection

Selection and acceptance of program applicants will proceed in the following order:

a) Within the fully-qualified level, preference shall be given to those with earlier-completed applications.

b) Within the partially-qualified level, preference shall be given to those considered best qualified.


1. Before an applicant’s file is completed, the following must be received:

a) Completed application form.

b) Official transcripts of high school grades (an interim statement of grades is acceptable if applicant is currently in school.)

c) See Part I.A.2. General

Graduation and Promotion

Minimum of 70% required to receive credential.

Program Curriculum

See SkilledTradesBC (ITA) for program outline.

Additional Program Policies

Effective Term: Other

Effective Year: 20240801

Grading Table: Standard Trades Programs

Types of Assessments:

1. Types and Frequency of Evaluations

a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

b) Students will complete a combination of practical and written assignments, tests and exams for each course in the program. An outline of evaluative events will be provided in each course outline.


2. Examination Policy

a) Tests and examinations must be written on scheduled dates. The only exception to this policy will be if the student supplies the instructor with satisfactory evidence of personal illness or extenuating circumstances.

b) Prior arrangements, when possible, must be made to miss a test or examination due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. family emergency or a court appearance).

c) Dates for writing missed tests or examinations will be set by the instructor.



1. Students leaving the examination room before the conclusion of the examination without the permission of the invigilator may forfeit their right to return to the examination room.

2. Students shall follow the written instructions of the examiner or risk losing marks.

3. No books or other materials may be brought into the examination room unless the consent of the invigilator has been given.

4. No material relating to the examination may be removed from the examination room.

Making use of materials, books, or notes, without the approval of the invigilator; speaking or communicating in other ways with other students; or exposing written papers to the view of other students is not permitted. Students who do or attempt to do any of the above will forfeit the right to have the examination evaluated.


Program Specific Regulations:

Health and Safety

  • Students are required to follow the safety directions of Selkirk College staff and the safety guidelines specific to their program. Additionally, students must wear prescribed personal protective equipment (PPE) in all designated areas. Failure to follow safety directions may result in the suspension of salon access. Only the School Chair may reinstate access.
  • Students are encouraged to complete the Voluntary Disclosure of Health History form for any health (physical and/or mental) conditions (e.g., anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies), or prescription medications which could lead to concerns in a salon environment. This information is for safety reasons only and will be kept confidential.
  • Students are required to complete all mandatory safety training prior to using program equipment. Students are responsible for adhering to correct usage of equipment and for informing staff when the equipment is damaged or unsafe to operate.
  • Students who are unsafe or impact the safety of others will be required to leave the class or salon until remediation has been m
  • The use of personal electronic devices in a learning environment can be disruptive and is unsafe in a salon setting. Usage and restrictions will be identified in the program safety guidelines.
  • No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or cannabis products are to be consumed on the college property during or before a college activity. If a student appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be required to leave the premises and subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct.
  • When participating in program field trips or other off-campus college-related activities, students are required to comply with the health and safety guidelines of both Selkirk College and those of their hosts. See College Policy 8350: Educational Field Trips.



1. Attendance is recorded daily. Continued absenteeism will be brought to the attention of the student and will result in probation.

2. A student absent from class for any reason is required to advise the instructor.


Professional Requirements:


1. Students are expected to prepare themselves for a position in a salon and to demonstrate the deportment, dress, attitudes, and communication skills expected in the Hairstylist industry. Professional clothes must be worn to all classes and practicum (no jeans).

2. Lab coats are to be worn.

3. Closed-toe shoes are to be worn to comply with WorkSafeBC regulations.


Other regulations:


1. The purpose of probation is to communicate to the students that their performance is deficient and that it may jeopardize their status in the program.


2. Academic Probation

a) A student may only be placed on academic probation during the first two-thirds of a program term.

b) Criteria for placement on academic probation will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

(i) Cheating.

(ii) Poor academic performance.


3. Behavioural Probation

a) A student may be placed on behavioural probation any time during the term.

b) Criteria for placement on behavioural probation will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

(i) Absenteeism, both cumulative and current, and continued after a preliminary warning.

(ii) Behaviour which disrupts classes or field trips and impedes the progress of fellow students.


4. Removal from probation

a) Removal from probation will be outlined in the official notification of probation.


B. EXCLUSION OR DISMISSAL (See Selkirk College Policy 8610)

1. A student may be excluded or dismissed from the program for not meeting the conditions of probation.

2. An instructor, the Registrar, a School Chair, Dean or College administrator may exclude a student from participating in a class, lab, field trip, etc., if the student compromises the safety of others, if he/she assaults or abuses others, if he/she is destructive to property, if he/she disrupts the learning opportunities of others or if he/she behaves in a threatening or blatantly uncooperative manner towards students, College employees or other College members. The college employee excluding a student from participating in a class, lab, field trip, etc. shall report in writing to the School Chair the circumstances giving rise to the exclusion.

3. An instructor or other employee may recommend to his/her School Chair/Supervisor that a student be completely excluded from a course/program if that student has missed instructional times or failed to complete assigned work to such a degree that he/she could not compensate sufficiently to pass the course in the time available. A student may also be completely excluded if the student has compromised the safety of others, assaults or abuses others, has been destructive to college property, has disrupted the learning opportunities of others, has behaved in a threatening or blatantly uncooperative manner or engages in theft and/or criminal activity. See Selkirk College Policy 3400 - Student Code of Conduct.


C. APPEAL (See College Policy 8400)

1. A student dissatisfied with a final grade or program decision (e.g., probation, exclusion, dismissal) may appeal the College's action by following this sequence:

a) Contact the course instructor in writing within five working days.

b) Contact the School Chair in writing within five working days.

c) Contact the Dean of Industry and Trades Training in writing within five working days.

NOTE: A student ombudsperson may be available to assist you in this process.

2. If the student has not resolved the issue after following the above three steps, the student may then choose to:

a) Appeal to the Student Appeals Committee by contacting the College Registrar within two working days.

b) Students have five working days from the time they are notified of their final grades to appeal a grade.

c) From the time of official notification students have five working days to appeal probationary status, exclusion or dismissal
