A variety of learning experiences

Commercial Kitchen Assistant – Certificate of Completion

Program Details

Length: Total of 252 hours over 23 weeks

Total Credits: There are no credits for this program

Intake Terms: Fall

Campus: Trail


There is no cost for this program.

Student Loans:

This program qualifies for the Adult Upgrading Grant

Credential Received

Certificate of Completion in Commercial Kitchen Assistant


Program Summary

Commercial Kitchen Assistant is a learner-centred program that helps students expand their workplace skills and readiness in a classroom setting. Further training through a flexible work practicum in commercial kitchens is provided. Learners can take advantage of this fully funded program that will lead to in-demand entry-level restaurant jobs.

Program Outcomes

Learners participating in the Commercial Kitchen Assistant Program at Selkirk College will finish their studies being able to demonstrate the following program outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate increased self-confidence
  2. Manage financial matters by applying principles of numeracy
  3. Use appropriate verbal, non-verbal and written skills to communicate
  4. Develop effective learning strategies and adapt them to new situations
  5. Create realistic personal, work and educational goals and plans to achieve them
  6. Exhibit positive professional behaviours and employment-related skills that maximize opportunities for success
  7. Demonstrate resilience, creativity and critical thinking in challenging situations
  8. Participate effectively as part of a team and in society
  9. Identify personal values, make decisions and balance responsibilities to increase well-being
  10. Practice appropriate safety procedures
  11. Use current and emerging technology effectively

Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, the applicant must meet the following Commercial Kitchen Assistant Program requirements to be considered fully qualified:

  • Participate in an intake interview with the instructor
  • Have the ability to learn and participate in a commercial kitchen setting
  • Have had no behavioral or emotional problems that would significantly interfere with the learning or safety of self or others
  • Have a commitment to learning

Additional Requirements

Instructors will balance the needs of the classroom in regards to the following guidelines that determine capacity. For a class with maximum enrolment of 12:

  • 0 High Needs Students
  • 2-4 Moderate Needs Students (no more than 30% of total students): mild cognitive disability and higher adaptive functioning level; no support worker required; most activities and choices made independently; physically able to perform kitchen duties with moderate supervision; and established success in interactions with others with limited supervision.
  • 8-10 Low Needs Students (70% of total students or higher): no cognitive disability, although barriers to employment may be present; no support worker required; activities and choices made independently; physically able to perform kitchen duties independently; and established success in interactions with others.

Complete an application form

Participate in an interview (in person or by telephone) with the CKA instructor before entry to the program.

Provide a recommendation from an instructor in the School of Academic Upgrading and Development at Selkirk College, or a referral from a community agency, another college or high school.

Graduation and Promotion

In order to receive your credential in your program, you must complete all of your courses.

In the Commercial Kitchen Assistant Program, courses are sequential and must be completed in order.

Program Courses

Required Courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
CKA20Food Safety, Sanitation and Hygiene


CKA21Production Procedures and Equipment




CKA23Preparation of Fruit and Vegetables


CKA24Preparation of Starches


CKA25Breakfast Cookery


CKA26Salads And Sandwiches


CKA27Meat Preparation and Cookery


CKA28Soups, Stocks And Sauces


CKA29Baked Goods And Desserts





Additional Program Policies

Effective Term: Fall

Effective Year: 20240801

Advanced Standing:

A student may obtain credit for a maximum of 75% of program requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment or combination thereof.


Re-Entry Instructions:

Re-entry to the Commercial Kitchen Assistant Program is permitted at any time subject to space admissibility (see above) and limitations due to changes in curriculum.



Grading will be based on Competency Based Grades Table found in Selkirk College Policy 8612: Grading.


Grading Table: Competency-Based

Types of Assessments:

Progress in Commercial Kitchen Assistant courses is obtained by fulfilling the course-specific assessments which may include small group projects (e.g. poster presentations), individual projects (e.g. menu planning), written assignments, classroom-based work experiences (e.g., food preparation for commercial kitchens), and a practicum placement in a food service establishment.



Attendance at all scheduled classes, field trips and other learning experiences is mandatory. Students may risk losing their placement in a program if attendance of less than 80% and/or there is unsatisfactory progress through course activities and course skills checklists.


Other regulations:


Most disagreements should be resolved through informal discussion between the parties involved before beginning the appeal procedures. This would typically involve the Instructor and the School Chair or designate. For more details refer to College Policy 8400: Student Appeals.
