A variety of learning experiences

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System



Under the current WHMIS regulations, the utilization of controlled products (e.g. chemicals, solvents, compressed gases etc.) requires that certain safety procedures be followed, Fundamental to this process is the information system consisting of an approved label on the container and a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that product on file, where it is available to any user.


The following procedures will be adhered to:


  1. All controlled substances in original containers will have the approved supplier's label.


  2. All controlled substances that are not in the original container will be given a workplace label. The minimum information to be displayed is:


    • product identifier (usually name)
    • hazard rating
    • reference to MSDS for the product


  3. Controlled substances in containers too small for hazard rating will only require the product name and reference to the MSDS for that product.


  4. The Instructor or Instructional Assistant will evaluate the potential hazards of controlled substances and advise students of the appropriate safety procedures to be used in handling them.


  5. Disposal of any controlled substances will be under the supervision of the Instructional Assistant.


  6. Examples of controlled substances that are commonly used in and around the Lab area include:


    • WD 40
    • ·various soil and water testing chemicals
    • fire extinguisher
    • glue
    • paint


  7. Material safety data sheets for all controlled substances in use by the School of Environment and Geomatics will be stored in the top drawer of the Faculty Assistant's (G17A) file cabinet under the letter M.