A variety of learning experiences

SROM184 Snow Safety/Ski Patrol Operations

During SROM 184 Snow Safety/Ski Patrol Operations you will review the primary management issues and operational activities of the snow safety or ski patrol department, with a focus on managing avalanche hazards. You will examine the major elements of ski resort avalanche hazard assessment and safety including avalanche terrain, mountain weather, snow pack features, and avalanche rescue. As part of your study of avalanche hazards and safety, you may complete the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) Avalanche Skills Training (AST) Level I course. The AST course involves two full days of field study. In addition to examining avalanche hazard concerns and issues, you will examine several snow safety/ski patrol operations and management topics, including avalanche hazards and ski area planning, ski resort avalanche control, ski patrol operations, Hazard markings and signage, ski resort accident investigation and recording, ski lift evacuation, and ski patrol facilities and equipment.

