A variety of learning experiences

GIS325 Internet Mapping

GIS 325 Internet Mapping investigates the full range of Internet and intranet mapping, including static maps, online data, and web map (image) and feature services. Most of the emphasis of the course will be on the use of ESRI's ArcGIS Server software to serve maps over the Internet. Free mass media applications Google Earth and Google Map applications will be introduced. Web map OpenGIS Consortium standards and freeware server and viewer software will be discussed. The course curriculum will be delivered using lectures and hands-on class exercises. Students will author, administer, design and manage interactive Web Mapping projects through a number of lab assignments, and through a term project. The term project will be the development of a site which will be served through the campus intranet and/or through the SGRC public server. The course requires prior knowledge of GIS theory, BC datasets, and ArcGIS software which students have previously acquired in ADGIS courses GIS 302, 303, 310 and 318.




GIS 302, GIS 303, GIS 310, and GIS 318 with a minimum of 60%