A variety of learning experiences

GIS307 Remote Sensing in Resource Management

GIS 307 Remote Sensing in Resource Management. Building upon the skills introduced in Introduction to Remote Sensing (GIS 306), this course will cover topics in the biophysical, geophysical, and human activity applications of remote sensing as well as change detection, object-oriented analysis, and active and passive imaging. Lectures will be integrated with labs emphasizing practical experience in remote sensing software applications using ENVI 5.x and QGIS 3.x. This course consists, in part, of an independent project designed and conducted by individual students to foster a scientific research approach in executing a remote sensing project. Each student will identify a project to be approved by the instructor during the first week of the class. Students are expected to work individually to complete their chosen project. The instructor will periodically discuss project progress and provisional results in the class.




GIS 305 or GIS 306. Note: Pre-requisite(s) may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.