A variety of learning experiences


All tuition and fees are due and payable on or before the first day of class. Tuition fees for credit courses are based on course hours. Detailed tuition and fee amounts will be confirmed through the registration process and are dependent on the number of courses taken. All amounts indicated on the Selkirk College website are approximate values and are provided to assist students in their financial planning.

Options for payment are available on the Selkirk College website.

Holds on Student Records

A hold will be placed on a student’s account after fee deadlines when there is an outstanding balance owing. Students with outstanding fees on their account will not be able to:

  • Apply to graduate
  • Receive credentials
  • Retain registration privileges for future semesters
  • Access to their Tuition and Enrolment Certificate (T2202 tax form)
  • Access to their official academic transcripts

Students with student loans must work with the Financial Aid Office to have their outstanding fees automatically deducted from the loan.