A variety of learning experiences

PTEC129 Practicum

PTEC 129 Practicum, builds on the student on-line theory and laboratory hands on education, with on the on training. Practicum components provide the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and professional values acquired throughout this program. Clinical experiences are individualized in a variety of settings through cooperative alliances with retail, compounding, hospital, institutional, and when available home care pharmacy settings.

Practicum experiences will vary depending upon the services provided by individual community and hospital pharmacies. Under the supervision of a pharmacy preceptor, the student is oriented to both community and hospital policies and procedures.

The work experience includes practical experience in sterile product preparation, compounding, drug distribution, drug packaging, inventory control and computer entry including file management and record keeping. The work experience is expected to provide opportunity to demonstrate ability to problem-solve, take initiative, follow direction and work effectively as a team member. Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism, ethics and team collaboration.

The months of June and July are normally used to provide practical experience in a 4-week block to complete 140 to 160 hours each in a community and hospital pharmacy. Placements are located within or outside the province. Completion of a task checklist and instructor/preceptor evaluation is required a t the conclusion of each practicum rotation.




Admission to the Pharmacy Technician Program with Successful completion of all theory and lab courses.


PTEC 100, PTEC 104, PTEC 105, PTEC 106, PTEC 107 & 108, PTEC 109 & 110, PTEC 113, PTEC 114, PTEC 115, PTEC 116, PTEC 119 and current certificates for standard first Aid, CPR level C and WHMIS