A variety of learning experiences

Application Process

1. Apply

To apply for admission or readmission, applicants submit an Application for Admission accompanied by a non-refundable application fee. Applicants must apply using their full legal name and list any previous legal names on the application. By completing the application, applicants attest that the information they are supplying is complete and correct. Application for admission to College programs may be submitted online at EducationPlannerBC or submitted at any campus.

2. Submission of Transcripts and Documents

All secondary and post-secondary transcripts must be submitted. Transcripts (or interim transcripts if final transcripts are not yet available) must be received directly from the sending institution electronically, via mail or presented in an officially sealed envelope. Grade 12 students may submit a high school verification report to confirm intentions to complete required secondary school subjects. Upon completion, official high school or post-secondary transcripts must be submitted. BC students may request their official high school transcript be provided to the College electronically through the BC Ministry of Education. Documents requested by the College must be received on or before the document deadline identified in your acknowledgement letter received after applying.

3. Confirmation of Admission

All newly admitted and readmitted students are required to pay a non-refundable seat deposit to confirm their acceptance of admission on or before the expiry date of the acceptance letter. “Conditional” acceptance may be offered in anticipation of admission requirements being met by the appropriate deadline that will be identified to you by an Enrolment Officer. Admission to the College may be rescinded if documents confirming evidence of admission requirements are not received by the respective deadline.