A variety of learning experiences

Office Administration and Technology

Program Details

Length: 6 months to one year
Total Credits: 18.5 to 27.5
Intake Term(s): Fall
Campus: Online
Approximate Program Cost
Student Loan eligible: Yes - details here

Credential Received

Certificate in Office Administration and Technology - Office Assistant

Certificate in Office Administration and Technology - Bookkeeping

Advanced Certificate in Administrative Assistant

Advanced Certificate in Bookkeeping

Program Summary

The Office Administration and Technology program will give students competency within, and a broad overview of the office environment. Office technology is utilized throughout the program to provide hands-on practical experience.

Additionally, upon completion of the Certificate, students can further complete a Bookkeeping Advanced Certificate.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate standard administrative skills
  2. Demonstrate workplace related collaborative skills
  3. Explain the legal responsibilities of office personnel in providing a safe and healthy workplace environment
  4. Demonstrate emerging employability skills
  5. Outline the importance of ethical and professional behaviours and conduct themselves accordingly in an academic environment
  6. Demonstrate basic numeracy skills
  7. Apply entry level accounting principles/practices as required
  8. Use technology and software applications to industry standards
  9. Communicate professionally in various formats to a variety of stakeholders
  10. Explain basic customer service theories and techniques

Program Options