A variety of learning experiences

KSA190 Self-directed Studio

KSA 190 Self Directed Studio provides students, under the direction of a faculty member, an introduction to independent studio time with emphasis on the production of a coherent body of work. The student will integrate techniques, materials, and skills learned in previous courses to begin the development of an individual style.

Students will prepare and submit a professional quality design brief/written proposal to the studio which will guide their course of action, indicating design theme/concept, illustrations, workplan and techniques. This proposal must be completed by the second week of the course. The design brief will form the basis of the contract for the work to be completed. Any changes to the contract must be made in consultation with faculty and presented in writing. Self Directed Studio proposal form attached.

While students are expected to be primarily self directed, attendance and participation in scheduled classes is mandatory. Instructor(s) are available during class time for individual consultation specifically relating to the development of the body of work. There will be critiques and discussion of the work in progress.




Completion of KSA Certificate or Diploma at Kootenay School of the Arts, or equivalent or by permission of the School Chair.