A variety of learning experiences

AESP (IEP)271 GIS Applications II

AESP (IEP) 271 GIS Applications II provides an opportunity for AESP (IEP) 2nd year students to undertake a GIS project of their choice. Students apply the GIS skills acquired in previous Selkirk GIS courses (ENVR 158 and AESP (IEP) 270) to a real-world project. A range of GIS methods and data sources will be used, depending on student project selection, but all will include as deliverables a project proposal and report, a spatial analysis of some kind, a final map, and a documented geodatabase. Both GIS and project management skills will be developed by completing the steps required to take a GIS project from initial proposal to final map production and report generation.




AESP (IEP) 270