A variety of learning experiences

ENVR162 Applied Botany and Ecosystem Classification

ENVR 162 Applied Botany and Ecosystem Classification is an introduction to the principles of Botany and Ecosystem Classification. Botany lectures will focus on plant classification, botanical terms, plant morphology, and plant physiology. Topics include: plant cell structure, plant tissue function and structure, photosynthesis and respiration, transpiration and translocation. Botany labs will focus on learning to identify about 100 native plants commonly found in the West Kootenay Region of B.C., specifically key indicator species. Ecology lectures will focus on ecosystem classification using the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification System (BEC) of B.C. Other key topics include the study of climatic factors, disturbance and succession, landscapes and stand structure. Ecology labs focus on classifying ecosystems (including soils, site and vegetation) to site series using BEC. Labs are mainly field based.




Program admission requirement


ENVR 164