A variety of learning experiences

ECCE294 Practicum II

ECCE 294 Practicum II, students synthesize learning with practical application. The focus is on collaboration with families and community in the creation of inclusive, responsive, culturally-sensitive child-centered environments for young children. Learners continue to engage in the process of self-reflection and individual goal setting regarding exemplary professional practice. Seminars are scheduled for reflective discussion of practicum learning.




ECCE 168, ECCE 169, ECCE 178, ECCE 179, ECCE 186, ECCE 188, ECCE 189, ECCE 193, ECCE 195, HSER 174, FAM 180, ENG 110, PSYC 100, and PSYC 240 with a minimum of 60% and a GPA of 2.0.


ECCE 293