A variety of learning experiences

RFW257 Backcountry Risk Analysis and Mitigation II

RFW 257 - Backcountry Risk Analysis and Mitigation II extends the study of natural hazard assessment and land management to winter backcountry environments. The course is delivered as a project-based analysis of a local provincial park or recreation area, in which students learn winter skills and identify and analyze avalanche terrain and site-specific snowpack characteristics for the risk of human and structural exposure to snow avalanches. Topics include avalanche forecasting and public safety, land use planning, hazard mitigation, techniques in snowpack assessment and monitoring, avalanche rescue, and hazard mapping. Successful students receive a certificate in avalanche safety recognized by the Canadian Avalanche Centre. This course is taught in wilderness terrain. Participants must be in good health and physical condition. Activities will be taught that require participation for up to eight hours per day for up to three days in duration. Participants must be able to hike, ski or snowshoe for four to eight hours at a time over rough, sometimes hazardous terrain in all weather conditions. *Students are expected to make arrangements to attend all scheduled course activities.




RFW 256