A variety of learning experiences

CWRT200 Studies In Writing III

The emphasis of CWRT 200: Studies in Writing III will be on portfolio development and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students will submit for workshop their own imaginative writing in any of the four genres: poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. In addition, students will engage in a practice of response, analysis, and critique of published and peer written work. Lectures will mirror the assigned readings and serve to initiate theoretical round table discussions on Image, Voice, Character, Setting, and Story. In the second half of the semester students will be required to explore in more depth each of the four genres. Students will be expected to submit at least one of their compositions for publication to an appropriate literary quarterly, magazine, newspaper or theatre workshop. CWRT 200 is a hybrid course. Students will attend face-to-face seminars in either Nelson or Castlegar every second Thursday, and the remainder of the coursework takes place online. All students must register for a seminar. The first Castlegar seminar is Thursday, September 5th and the first Nelson seminar is Thursday, September 12th. All registered students must contact Leesa Dean prior to the first seminar at ldean@selkirk.ca.

