A variety of learning experiences

COOP404 GIS Co-op Work-term VIII

GIS Co-op Work-term VIII, COOP 404 is a (paid) work-term which fosters partnerships between students, employers and institution; to bring classroom learning into the workplace. Co-op Education is a process of education that formally integrates students� academic study with periods of related work experience. By participating in an additional work-term students further bolster their soft and hard skills as related to their area of study within the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).




The student must have completed COOP 403 with a CRG and be enrolled in the School of Environment and Geomatics, BGIS Program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, completion of all courses. Any student with one (1) or more failing grades must have Advisor approval to enter into a Co-op Work Term.