A variety of learning experiences

Forest Technology – Diploma

Program Details

Length: 2 years

Total Credits: 72

Intake Terms: Fall

Campus: Castlegar

Student Loans: This program is eligible for Student Loans - details here

Credential Received

Diploma in Forest Technology


Program Summary

Our Forestry Technology program is nationally accredited and upon graduation, students are eligible to enrol to become Registered Forest Technologists with the Association of BC Forest Professionals.

This program provides an ideal starting point for learners excited by the combined career challenges of working in B.C.’s rugged outdoors and finding modern solutions to current forest management issues. Our primary goal is to provide job-ready graduates to potential employers in both private industry and government.

Our program focuses on the following principles in order to optimize our students’ learning experience:

  • Instruction by practicing resource professionals
  • Maximization of outdoor learning opportunities in real forest environments
  • Collaboration with industry professionals to provide exposure to current practices in all aspects of forest management;
  • Familiarization with current forest technology used by industry employers

Commitment to student success in a fun and close-knit learning environment Graduates will gain proficiency in all of the following in the specific context of British Columbia forestry: Forest ecology, Forest road location, Harvesting techniques, Wildlife habitat identification, Silviculture systems, Surveying, Timber cruising, Hydrology, Forest health, Wildfire management, Geographic Information Systems, Data management, Forest policy, and Relationship-building with First Nations Communities.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

  • interact effectively, accurately, and ethically using oral and written communication skills within the realm of the legal forestry work environment.
  • communicate, consult, and collaborate with a variety of stakeholders and diverse interest groups.
  • use a variety of appropriate mathematical strategies to evaluate and defend tasks.
  • use current and emerging technologies to collect and manage data for use in a variety of forestry specific computer hardware and software applications.
  • assess and synthesize landscape level attributes to make appropriate management decisions.
  • develop a common sense, solution-orientated approach to solving problems and achieving tasks in the field.
  • develop proficiency in the collection, analysis, and implementation of field data across multiple natural resource disciplines.
  • use current and emerging technology to compile and manage diverse data sources in order to aid in planning and decision making.
  • demonstrate developing critical and creative thinking skills.
  • demonstrate competency in a wide variety of forestry-related outdoor skills.
  • develop appropriate fire management practices for ecosystem health and protection.
  • develop skills that enable appropriate management of ecosystem structure and function.
  • encourage self-motivation, personal growth, and career development.
  • support a strong team environment through effective collaboration – respectful of gender specifically and diversity generally.
  • develop a greater awareness of indigenous cultures of in order to build relationships with those communities.
  • forge a professional culture that maximizes opportunities for successful employment while interacting ethically within a professional practice.

Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

Successful completion of these high-school or equivalent courses:

  • Foundations of Mathematics 11 with a minimum of 67% or higher
  • Biology 11 with a minimum of 67% or higher
  • English Studies 12 with a minimum of 67% or higher

NOTE: Applicants in Grade 12 at the time of application must show proof of registration or completion of the above courses.

Additional Requirements

Applicants that require upgrading may still gain provisional acceptance for program seats if they can show proof of registration (with time for likely completion) of prerequisite high school courses before Fall term start dates.

All applicants must be in good health and reasonably good physical condition. A demonstrated interest in, and aptitude for, outdoor work is essential as much of the work is done in the field, often under adverse and arduous weather and topographic conditions. A self-assessment fitness check list is available on request.

Computer competency is an important element of success in the program. Prior to starting the program, it is strongly recommended that students have entry level experience with word processor, spreadsheet, and web browsing software. Check out Selkirk College Community Education & Workplace Training computer courses.

Students must choose their major at the time of application.

Common first year courses must be completed before moving into second year courses. See the Environmental Programs page for first-year course information.

Graduation and Promotion

In order to receive your credential in your program you must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00.

Program Courses

Term 3

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required second year courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
FOR250Silviculture I


FOR260Applied Forest Hydrology and Engineering


FOR265Forest Measurements


FOR271Applied Ecology and Range Management


FOR274Forest Health


FOR280Applied Research Project



Term 4

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required second year courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
ENVR250Indigenous Peoples of Canada and Environmental Management


FOR200Field Trip Study


FOR251Silviculture II


FOR253Forest Policy and Resource Management


FOR261Forest Harvesting


ENVR291Computer Applications in Resource Management
