A variety of learning experiences

INDG302 Indigenous Health And Healing

INDG 302: Indigenous Health and Healing introduces students to the topic of Aboriginal health and healing from the time prior to first contact with European newcomers through to the present. We will also focus on cultural awareness and critical thinking on current Aboriginal health and healing issues. Aboriginal health and healing will be explored from within a variety of Aboriginal perspectives that are inclusive of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health and well-being. Skill-based training in cultural safety and anti-racism based on the recommendations and information provided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission results and the 'calls to action' will be emphasized. Aboriginal worldviews and 'ways of knowing' will be embedded in the course delivery as well as course content.



Cross Listed Courses



Third year standing in Advanced Diploma in Rural Pre-Medicine (ADRPM), or Third year standing in Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Note: Pre-requisite(s) may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.

