A variety of learning experiences

Discovery: Skills for Employment – Certificate of Completion

Program Details


Total Credits:

Intake Terms: Fall

Campus: All Campuses


Student Loans:


Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

The applicant must meet the following Steps to Opportunities, Academics, and Readiness program requirements to be considered fully-qualified:

The program does not have Academic prerequisites, however, the instructor will assess the student’s capacity to succeed in the program. All students must:

  • Participate in an intake interview with the instructor
  • Have the ability to learn and participate in a group setting
  • Have had no behavioral or emotional problems that would significantly interfere with the learning or safety of self or others
  • Have a commitment to learning
  • Have a medical condition affecting cognitive ability.

Additional Requirements

Before an applicant’s file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:

  • Completed application form
  • An interview (in person or by telephone) with the Steps to Opportunities, Academics, and Readiness (SOAR) program instructor before entry to the program
  • At least two of the following (students must provide documentation at their own effort and expense)
  • A psychological assessment
  • A copy of an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or transcript from school
  • Documentation of disability from a physician or medical specialist
  • A referral from CLBC (Community Living B.C.)
  • A recommendation from an instructor in an SOAR program at Selkirk, another college, or high school
  • A referral from a community agency

We believe in giving learners the chance to flourish in a supportive college setting. It is important we take the time to get to know a prospective student so an individual plan is developed to foster success and appropriately meet the needs of the student and programming.


Required Courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
EMPS15Employability and Workplace Skills I


EMPS17Employability and Workplace Skills II


COMU15Effective Communication I


COMU17Effective Communication II


DISC15Discovery of Self, Others and Community I


DISC17Discovery of Self, Others and Community II


INTS15Interpersonal Skills I


INTS17Interpersonal Skills II


WELL15Health and Wellness I


WELL17Health and Wellness II


LMAT15Living Math I


LLIT15Living Literacy I
