A variety of learning experiences

Gerontological Nursing – Postgraduate Diploma

Program Details

Length: 2 years

Total Credits: 60

Intake Terms: Fall

Delivery Method: In-person

Campus: Castlegar

Credential: Postgraduate Diploma

Student Loans:

This program is not eligible for student loans

Credential Received

Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontological Nursing


Program Summary

If you are an internationally educated nurse and interested in geriatrics, this postgraduate diploma will prepare you to effectively work with older adults, promoting wellness and enabling health.

The geriatric population is the fastest growing health cohort around the world. Currently 70 per cent of all patients in Canada are elderly. Registered nurses must have specialized knowledge and training to effectively educate, assess and care for these older people.

This Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontological Nursing will give you the tools and skills to meet the complex physical, social, environmental, cognitive and spiritual needs of the elderly.

You will be given the chance to have intercultural exchange between graduate nurses from other countries and on-campus BSN students. This will promote rich dialogue about nursing approaches, philosophies and global health needs.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the roles, scope and required skillset of registered nurses in Canada
  2. Synthesize theories and principles of health, wellness, aging and geriatric care
  3. Apply critical thinking, decision-making and clinical reasoning skills
  4. Interpret research findings in order to provide evidence-based gerontological care
  5. Apply entry-to-practice level leadership techniques/strategies when working within the inter-professional gerontological care team
  6. Communicate effectively and efficiently in various formats to a variety of stakeholders, consistent with professional expectations
  7. Apply the basic principles of culturally sensitive and client-centred care
  8. Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in academic and work-related environments
  9. Formulate strategies to support lifelong learning in one’s personal nursing practice
  10. Apply strategies for registration with the BC Care Aid Registry and BC College of Nurses and Midwives
  11. Provide person-centred care and assistance that recognizes and respects the uniqueness of each individual client
  12. Use an informed problem-solving approach to provide care and assistance that promotes the physical, psychological, cognitive, social, and spiritual health and well-being of clients and families
  13. Provide person-centred care and assistance for clients experiencing complex health challenges.
  14. Provide person-centred care and assistance for clients experiencing cognitive and/or mental health challenges
  15. Interact with other members of the health care team in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals
  16. Communicate clearly, accurately, and sensitively with clients and families in a variety of community and facility contexts
  17. Provide personal care and assistance in a safe, competent, and organized manner
  18. Recognize and respond to own self-development, learning, and health enhancement needs
  19. Perform the care provider role in a reflective, responsible, accountable, and professional manner

Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

In addition to meeting the general entrance requirements for admission to Selkirk College, applicants from countries outside of Canada must meet the following requirements:

  • Possess a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree or a Graduate Nurse/Midwife Diploma from a recognized nursing school with English as a primary language of instruction.
  • Registration with a national/provincial/state nursing association in their home country and be able to provide documentation
  • English Language Proficiency of IELTS test in the last two years. 6.5 overall with no band score lower than 6.0

Additional Requirements

  • One letter of reference from current or previous employer
  • Resumé or CV with a minimum of 900 hours nursing experience within the last five years
  • Completed immunization forms

a) Applicants must submit a completed application form and original documentation of certification and transcripts from previous institutions.

b) Post-graduate nursing practice experience is preferred.

International students must submit a clear police certificate from the country of origin before acceptance, given that students provide care to vulnerable clients within the program’s practicum courses. To avoid potential hardship for students arriving from another country, the police certificate is an admission requirement. For further information, see information provided at https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/police-certificates/about.html#pc


See Selkirk International Application process http://selkirk.ca/international/how-apply-selkirk-college.


1. Evidence of completion of the following must be submitted to the Program Coordinator before the first practice education experience. All evidence must be current and valid.

a). First Aid Certification

b). CPR Level “C” Certification or Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification with Oxygen Therapy

c). Food Safe Level 1 Certification (or a certificate course deemed equivalent)

d). Completion of the Student Practice Education Core Orientation (SPECO) checklist

e). Completion of the Health Care Assistant Practice in BC E-Learning Modules (Learning Hub)

f). Completion of the Recognizing and Responding to Adult Abuse course (Learning Hub)

g). Completion of Dementia Training Certificate (GPA/Gentle Persuasive Approach)

h). Completion of Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum In-Person Workshop

i). All students must submit a Criminal Record Check (CRC) clearance letter by the Ministry of Justice, including clearance to work with vulnerable adults.

Graduation and Promotion

Satisfactory completion of all courses in the semester with a minimum grade of 60% and cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher each semester is required for promotion.

A student who obtains a grade of less than 60% in EASL 066, may be able to re-enroll if the course is offered again during the two-year period when they attend the college, or if eligible complete supplemental work with permission of the Instructor and School Chair.

Program Courses

Term 1

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
EASL066College Preparation - Research Writing


GNUR399College Orientation


GNUR430Introduction to Gerontological Nursing


GNUR431Introduction to Health Care Practice in Canada


GNUR443Delirium, Dementia and Depression in the Elderly



Term 2

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
GNUR432Interpersonal Communications


GNUR440Physical Aging and Chronic Disease Management: Part I


GNUR441Basic Skills and Physical Assessment


GNUR442End of Life Care


GNUR444Clinical Practice in Complex Care



Term 3

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
GNUR530Physical Aging and Chronic Disease Management: Part II


GNUR532Professional Nursing in the Canadian Health Care System


GNUR533Introduction to Nursing Leadership


GNUR535Nursing Registration Readiness I


MHAD502Mental Health and Addictions



Term 4

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours

Required courses

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
GNUR540Physical Aging and Chronic Disease Management: Part III


GNUR542Clinical Skills and the Older Adult


GNUR545Nursing Registration Readiness II


GNUR548Nursing Practice in Multiple Clinical Settings



Additional Program Policies

Effective Term: Fall

Effective Year: 20240801

Advanced Standing:


1. A student may obtain credit for a maximum of 75% of program requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment or combination thereof.


Re-Entry Instructions:

1. Readmission to the program is permitted only when seats become available; there may be no opportunity provided to students to re-enter the program.

2. Students who fail to complete a semester successfully may apply to re-enter in the program and repeat the incomplete semester when it is next offered. Normally, there is a waiting period of 12 months between offerings of the same course or semester.




The Standard Academic Grading Table will be used for all theory courses and the Competency Grading Table will be used for all lab skills and practice courses See Policy 8612: Grading.


Grading Table: Other

Grading Table: Both the Standard Academic and Career and the Competency Based grading tables will be used.

Types of Assessments:

1. Assessments

a) In the theory courses assessments may include written assignments, group projects, presentations, examinations or quizzes; details will be specified in course outlines.

b) In lab skills courses, assessments will include use of simulation, performance testing of relational and psychomotor competencies, and written tests or quizzes; details of testing will be specified in each course outline.

c) In practicum courses, assessment occurs on a continual basis and formal written performance appraisals will be given using an instrument which is based on the stated performance criteria of the course for which the appraisal is being done. Student performance during practice courses will be assessed as satisfactory, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory. Students whose performance is assessed as needing improvement will be placed on a learning plan.

Students whose performance is assessed as unsatisfactory will be placed on practice probation.

d) It is an expectation that students will submit all written assignments on the date stated in the course outline and by the instructor. When a student is unable to meet the stated deadline for an assignment, she or he must notify the instructor prior to the published due date and request an extension. In the event of extenuating circumstances, extensions are granted at the discretion of the instructor in consultation with the individual student. Extensions will be recorded for future reference.

e) Five percent (5%) of the total value of the assignment will be deducted for each calendar day for non-negotiated late assignments.

2. Supplemental Assessment(s)

a) Under extraordinary circumstances, a supplemental assessment (for final exam only) may be granted following consultation among Faculty and the School Chair. Students must have maintained an average grade of 70% or better in that specific course throughout the semester.

b) The result of the supplemental assessment will replace that of the final examination in calculation of the final grade. The student must achieve 70% or better on the supplemental exam in order to pass the course. The final grade for the course can be improved to a 70% grade only.



Mandatory for all learning experiences.

1. Students are required to inform instructors that they will be absent and are responsible for the work they have missed.

2. Absence from learning experiences, for any reason, may preclude the student being able to meet the requirements for that course and in turn progression to the next semester.

3. Absence from practice without notification or for reasons that are not deemed professional (i.e.

vacation personal choice) will be noted as “unsatisfactory” or “needs improvement” in the Practice Appraisal Form.

4. Students missing more than 10% of the practice experience may be required to repeat the course or complete extra hours at an additional cost to the student. The College cannot guarantee the provision of such make-up hours to the student.

5. Students claiming illness or compassionate reasons for absence from any learning experience must contact the associated instructor and / or the practice agency directly at least one hour prior to the scheduled start time.


Professional Requirements:

Students must meet the standards for nursing practice as outlined in the CRNBC's Professional Standards for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners (2012). The four standards are:

1. Professional Responsibility and Accountability

2. Knowledge-Based Practice

3. Client-Focused Provision of Care

4. Ethical Practice


Other regulations:


See College Policy 8619 – Student Probation
